I was recently having a discussion with my father and mother in the Lord about an issue that occurred in the body of Christ that has brought hurt and discouragement to many Christians all over the world. We all agreed at the end of the discussion that the Christian leader in question would probably had made better choices if he had someone that was mentoring him. Someone that he could be accountable to and that could redirect him and encourage him to the right path.
These days, a lot of leaders spring up without anyone mentoring them and this could be very dangerous. They say the Holy Spirit is their mentor. As much as I agree that Jesus should be our example ultimately, He however has put people in place filled with His wisdom and experienced in walking with Him to mentor us.
Proverbs 13:20 says “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm”.
The story of Abraham and Lot in Genesis 12 is a very excellent story about the power of mentorship. Let’s read.
The meaning of Lot is veil. Veil denies access, it narrows peripheral and often tires central vision. Lot was a man that had no vision for himself or his family. However, he followed a man with vision. What he did not have in the area of vision was available to him as long as he followed Abraham. He indeed was smart enough to do that in the beginning (Gen 13:5 says he followed Abraham around)
How do I know that he lacked vision? In Genesis 13:10, when asked to pick where to go, he chose the place that looked good, he could only see the immediate. Vision sees the future. He saw the land of Sodom and Gomorrah with his external or natural eyes. He was deceived because he lacked vision.
Thank God for his mentor, the man of vision, Abraham was able to rescue him from destruction.
I know that Lot had a lot of things wrong with him but his connection with Abraham was what allowed him to go as far as he did in life.
My point here is that even if you are unable to have a vision of your own, pray to God to lead you to and join yourself with someone whom you trust that has the Spirit of God in them, seasoned to take you on their shoulders and show you the path. That is mentorship. If you hang around these people long enough, your vision will be sharpened and you can begin to fulfill your destiny.
Pastor D