Jeremiah 1:5 (New Life Version) Before I started to put you together in your mother, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart as holy. I chose you to speak to the nations for Me.
One day, while driving home behind a truck, I noticed that the truck was about to exit at the same exit as me and because I did not want to be behind the truck past the exit, I began to increase my speed in order to overtake the truck and get to the exit before it did. I overtook the truck and got to the exit only to find out that the truck was not exiting at the same exit as I was but was going a different way.
The Holy Spirit spoke to me there that this is the way some Christians live their lives: They are in competition with people who are not going to the same direction as them, they try to outrun others who are not on the same lane as them. They are not aware that everyone's purpose is different so there is no need for competition. The reason for unnecessary competition is the lack of understanding of God’s purpose for our lives which results in lack of vision on how to fulfil our purpose.
Many people go through this life greatly unhappy with their careers, lifestyle, even their ministry in the house of God. Why? Because they do not have a vision of what the purpose and will of God for their lives. A lot of people choose careers to make ends meet. But the fact is, we must choose God’s purpose for our lives. What is purpose? What is vision and how are they related?
Purpose is basically the reason you are created, why you exist - to bring glory to God and to impact humanity. There is no success without purpose, many people associate success with money, but purpose and success is not about making money, it is about making impact. When someone works at a job solely because of the money, that person cannot make impact and will not live a truly fulfilling life at that job.
Vision is the vehicle that your purpose rides on. Someone said that your purpose is the textbook of your life, and your vision is each chapter of the book. You cannot fulfill your life’s purpose without vision. Purpose drives vision, vision clarifies purpose.
The Lord tells us in Jeremiah 1:5 that our purpose had been completed before we were born, your purpose was established before your existence, so there is no accident with your existence. You are not a biological accident. You might have not been planned, you may have been a product of an affair, a one-night stand or even a rape. Or you might have been an unwanted pregnancy, but hear me, God planned you.
I love the way David discussed this issue with God in Psalm 139:13 and 16, the New Life Version states it this way: “For You made the parts inside me. You put me together inside my mother.” “Your eyes saw me before I was put together. And all the days of my life were written in Your book before any of them came to be”.
Wow! The Lord envisioned you before you were created and put you together just like the vision that he had of you or how He had imagined you to look, and act. Then he planned out all the days of your life! Inside of that plan is your purpose, the manufacturer of an item determines the purpose of that thing. The Lord determined your purpose, your part is to discover it and no two purposes are exactly the same, they may be similar in some ways, but God always adds a distinct difference to separate everyone’s purpose.
Your purpose is not a mystery, the Holy Spirit is inside of you to help you to discover it. The Lord will give you visions (chapters) in your purpose (book) bit by bit until you discover the whole purpose. All you need to do is to stay close to the Lord, ask Him in the place of prayers and listen to Him to lead you into each and every chapter (vision) of your book (purpose) and see it unfold.
There are some things that you do that flow naturally out of you, that feel just right. These things could be challenging, but also exciting and inspiring. You are never bored doing them, that is an indication of purpose.
Your purpose must excite you, it may or may not excite others, but it must not excite others more than it does you.
Your purpose drives your passion, looking through the scriptures, we find people whose purpose drove their passion: Moses’ purpose was to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt, that was why he passionately killed an Egyptian and could not look away from injustice. Apostle Paul's purpose was to bring the gospel to the gentiles and particularly, to Rome. That was why he refused to stay back when the prophet Agabus predicted his suffering in Rome. Ask yourself: what am I passionate about? What do I get angry about and would want to make right? That is an indication of your purpose.
Your purpose must benefit others. Your purpose is not only for you and your family, but it must also be of benefit to others. Purpose is not about making money; it is about making impact in the lives of others. When you are fulfilling purpose, people will be grateful that you came into their lives.
Your purpose brings fruitfulness into your life. God is not interested in unproductive ventures, and He has not planned a barely getting by mediocre life for you, we are all created to bear fruit. When you have a good vision for your purpose, people will give to the vision. It is only a matter of time and consistency.
Friends, we must begin to envision the purpose that God has for us and determine to fulfil our purpose! We must not leave this world without accomplishing what God has created us to do. May God help us in Jesus name.
Pray with me: I enjoy vision and precision as I fulfill my assignment on earth. My career, ministry, health, marriage, relationship, and academics reflect God's uncommon favor. My destiny attracts color, and I am established by His grace. I am a magnet of blessing and a solution to global problems. Like Joseph, I preserve and transfer God’s blessings to generations. I am blessed and highly favored to prosper in any adversity, and I am lifted when men are cast down. I am a preserver of destinies, and I am called out for the rising of many in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Pastor D